Best Nootropics for Anxiety

Best Nootropics for Anxiety and Stress Relief in 2023

Any of us can suffer panic and stress in both our personal and professional life. It usually doesn’t cause a problem. We struggle with stress-inducing work pressures, financial worries, and family troubles. However, these emotions are typically justified and transient. Unfortunately, there are occasions when you may experience lengthier periods of anxiety, and the anxiety isn’t necessarily linked to an event that would call for such a reaction. Long-term anxiety can have a variety of negative impacts on the body and mind, such as sadness, irritability, and disease. The best nootropics for anxiety can help you cope with work, your studies, and even Esport competitions.

We can help if this is your current problem. One option, if you haven’t already done so, is to use medications to assist make life more bearable. Although we don’t necessarily have anything against medications, we think there might be some natural approaches to improve things.

What is anxiety and how does it affect us?

According to a number of recent research, anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health conditions. According to a recent study, 1 in 5 Americans have anxiety of some form, and the NHS found that 5% of Britons experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

An intense, overwhelming, and persistent worry and fear that, in serious conditions, can be completely incapacitating, characterizes anxiety.

Long-term anxiety and/or depression affect the amygdala, which grows larger, and the adrenal glands. Higher levels of stress hormones are consequently produced into the body. The most prevalent stress hormone, cortisol, raises blood sugar levels while adrenaline quickens the pulse and raises blood pressure.

Additionally, anxiety weakens the PFC and amygdala’s connections, which may prevent the brain from thinking rationally. The amygdala, which is harmed by anxiety disorders, enlarges and becomes hyperactive, sending more frequent stress signals to the PFC. If the PFC is not properly notified by the amygdala, it may result in irrational ideas and erratic behaviour since it ensures that you react to harmful situations sensibly.

Symptoms of anxiety

You might not be aware of it if you’ve experienced severe anxiety for a long time. Humans have a tendency to get used to the familiar, even if it isn’t good. So, the following are a few signs of persistent anxiety:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Restlessness
  • Excessive worry
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Fatigue
  • Increased heart rate and palpitations
  • Irritability and tension
  • Chest pains and shortness of breath
  • Sweating and hot flashes
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Feelings of terror or impending doom

You might be experiencing anxiety if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. Whatever initially made you anxious is not an issue anymore. The neurochemicals in your brain may have become out of balance as mental acuity, though. These neurochemicals, sometimes referred to as neurotransmitters, are in charge of enabling communication between various brain and body regions. Dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA, glutamate, and norepinephrine are a few neurotransmitters as examples. There are many other neurotransmitters, but if you have a problem with any of the ones listed above, you can feel excessively anxious.

Can nootropics really help to relieve anxiety?

Nootropics, often known as smart drugs, are natural materials that can enhance mental acuity and brain health in otherwise healthy persons. As our society becomes more and more competitive and everyone looks for an edge, nootropics are becoming more and more popular.

Nootropics can be used to enhance a variety of aspects of wellbeing, including memory, mood, focus, creativity, motivation, mental acuity and concentration (read more…). They are typically taken as supplements. The LYMA pill contains a powerful, tried-and-true stack of nootropics to promote a healthy brain and ease some of the symptoms of anxiety. Nootropics are frequently used for their stress-relieving characteristics and can be combined for better results.

When it comes to reducing stress and anxiety, nootropics really shine. Consider using nootropics for stress relief and anxiety management if you feel like tension, anxiety, or depression are taking up your life.

Best Nootropics for anxiety

A nootropic is a smart drug that has the potential to improve cognitive and mental performance in a variety of ways. Here are the best nootropics for anxiety that have been proven to be magic energy:

Vitamins B Complex

Vitamin B is essential for both your mental acuity and physical wellness. A study of 14 research revealed that, when combined with vitamin C and zinc, the B vitamins were helpful at reducing participants’ feelings of stress and cortisol levels in their saliva.

Citicoline Cognizin (CDP-Choline)

Citicoline has the same molecular structure as CDP-choline, a crucial component of the central nervous system that is made up of choline, cytosine, ribose, and pyrophosphate. The substance improves cognitive function, mental acuity, and initiates the manufacture of structural phospholipids in neuronal membranes, enhancing cerebral metabolism and affecting the levels of different neurotransmitters.

Gotu Kola

Original uses of the adaptogenic plant gotu kola were found in China, India, and Indonesia. Its benefits include improving cognitive abilities as well as treating infections, skin irritations, and wounds. Gotu kola is helpful for treating anxiety, sadness, and sleep difficulties here in the west. Regular use of this nootropic can help you become more relaxed, productive, and tranquil without the anxiety.

Scientists have reached the conclusion that using citicoline supplements is good for your health in the long run. A patented and clinically tested version of citicoline called Cognizin® has been shown in peer-reviewed studies to have some beneficial benefits on health.


An amino acid named L-theanine is typically found in green tea. This anxiolytic has been shown to be effective at lowering stress and anxiety in these studies. Participants in this trial received a daily dose of 200 to 400 mg for a maximum of 8 weeks. Another study made use of a nutritional beverage containing 200 mg of L-Theanine. Within an hour of drinking the beverage, they discovered that participants’ tension and anxiety levels were significantly decreased. Salivary cortisol levels in the subjects were lower after three hours. A daily regimen of an L-Theanine supplement may be helpful if your life is extremely chaotic.

Bacopa Monnieri

Brahmi, also known as Bacopa Morrieri, is a common adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine. It grows in some regions of North America, Australia, Asia, and Africa. It is often used to improve memory, focus, and clarity of thought. It has been proven particularly successful in trials for accelerating learning, enhancing visual processing speed, and treating anxiety. Take it frequently as part of your normal health care regimen for optimum effects.

Rhodiola rosea

An adaptogenic herb named rhodiola rosea can help you perform better under stress in addition to reducing stress. It has been shown to lessen even the physical and mental side effects of stress, such as irritability, confusion, melancholy, and hostility.


Saffron has long been seen as beneficial for mood and sleep quality in the ayurvedic and Persian medical traditions. There are generic saffron extract supplements on the market, and you can of course eat saffron, but none of these ways to consume saffron have the pre-clinical research to back up their efficacy, bioavailability, and benefits the way affron® does.


Nootropics can be used either as a preventative measure or as a treatment for a variety of diseases and health issues. The best nootropics for anxiety can help a wide range of aspects of physical and mental wellbeing. At any age, nootropics are a terrific addition to any supplement routine, but as you age, they become even more crucial for your health.

Anxiety is widespread among many people groups. Luckily, assistance is available. Consider taking some of the magic energy (nootropics) we’ve suggested above. With any luck, your symptoms will lessen or go away, and your brain’s overall performance will improve.

Luke Potgieter

Founder of TheChiefContentOfficer - let's write the book on remote content management together.

Luke Potgieter (BSc, M.S.) is an entrepreneur, Chief Content Officer, Content Manager, Science Editor, Technical Advisor, gamer, and lifelong learner with a formal education background in the sciences. He is the author of several introductory computing courses, health guides, pre-med materials, and has published content on numerous award-winning blogs and Fortune 100 websites.

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