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Will AI replace humans

Robots Taking Over Jobs: Will AI Replace Humans?

The debate about whether AI can replace people and their jobs—or, worse, take over human control of the entire globe like in the Terminator film series—is not a new one. There is little doubt that the 3.5 million cashiers in America will lose their jobs to robots. Just ask the retail employees who have already …

Creepy uncanny valley

Creepy Uncanny Valley: 12 Uncanny Valley Examples and Effects

What Is Uncanny Valley? The uncanny valley is a disconcerting abyss where excessive realism meets artificiality in the case of androids, avatars, and animations. Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori initially identified and documented the phenomenon in a 1970s article – which emphasizes our peculiar aversion to things that resemble humans but don’t quite feel right. Robots …

NFT Blockchains

Everything You Need to Know About NFT Blockchain Technology

The Ethereum blockchain is the best for NFTs. It is widely regarded as the one-stop shop for NFTs and has rapidly developed over the past year into the most talked-about and occasionally the most trafficked blockchain in existence. However, there are a ton of other blockchains that are gaining popularity in the NFT field. Crypto-artists …

Green technology image

Green Technology – The Ultimate Guide to Green Tech in 2023

What is green technology, and what advantages does it have? Across all industries, there is a general tendency toward environmentalism. Society as a whole has seen an increase in sustainability, whether this is due to restaurants prohibiting plastic straws, switching to sustainable energy sources, or purchasing carbon offsets. Green technology has gained popularity recently. Learn …