Free anime dating sim

Best Free Anime Dating Sim Games [Ultimate Guide 2023]

Some people are always looking for methods to escape reality and extend their imagination in a comfortable place. It might be a video game or an anime. However, you cannot fully control an anime dating sim, all you can do is imagine yourself as a character.

Anime dating games are an exception, though, since you have complete control over the characters in them. And what if we told those looking for a waifu that their dream of dating an anime character could come true? Yes, it is possible with the help of anime dating games. 

The only difference between these anime dating games and normal ones is that only Otakus can have experience. Some of the anime dating games are simply based on our favourite anime series, even if most of them are based on visual novels.

Best Anime Dating Sim in 2022

  1. Hatoful Boyfriend

Hatoful Boyfriend, one of the best anime dating games, takes you into an entirely new world by holding the title of one of the most well-liked anime dating sim games. Due to its popularity, it became one of the best online anime dating sim games.

You play as a human girl in an all-pigeon high school for the course of the game. Although the fundamental plot of the game is left unexplored, it was eventually revealed in the Bad Boys Love game. Both human and pigeon forms are used by the characters in The Pigeon Boys. The game has a lot of potential to delight you despite the fact that it can sound confusing. The best thing about the anime dating game is that you can play it again and get to choose a different route each time. 

  1. Clannad

Those who enjoy free anime dating sim games must have heard a lot about Clannad in addition to anime fans. It launched in 2004 even before the anime and made quite a reputation itself. This game most likely contributed to its adaptation into the popular anime that it is today. After its success, numerous magazines, drama CDs, and novels were released.

You get to play as Tomoya, although the plot is the same as it is in the anime. Every choice you make as the main character in the game puts you in a new scenario. You have a choice between five main story lines and eight side story pathways, according to game statistics. Additionally, as you play the game, you can start a new course, which, for all you know, might end in an unexpected conclusion. Thus, Clannad is one of the best anime dating games out there.

  1. Doki Doki Literature Club

Doki Doki Literature Club is the epitome of the free anime dating sim genre. In your lesson, you befriend four female characters and join their poetry group. However, penning a poem is the only way to win over any of the girls. You have a lovely Sayori, quiet Yuri, Tsundere Natsuki, and the club president Monica out of four adorable girls.

One thing is sure, this game is extremely addictive and was not created with kids in mind. You could even say that it is only preferable for those who are familiar with the idea of erotic due to its uncertain environment. However, it is perhaps one of the best anime dating sim games available.

  1. HuniePop

HuniePop is one of the best anime dating sims for Android out there. What’s more, a Western independent anime dating game developer made it. The anime dating game is great, as you would expect from the developer. Its sexual themes and hot girls will surprise you. Additionally, you need not worry about it being banned because it is accessible in both editions, at least for users who do not use Steam.

Playing an anime dating sim that is addictive and with a hint of a complex premise is always refreshing. You get to explore numerous women in various locations as the anime dating game’s player, and each of your travels contains a unique form of experience.

HuniePop 2: Double Date is an adult anime dating game that was developed and published by HuniePot, and is a direct sequel to the first HuniePop. According to the plot, you must awaken two cosmic creatures before they are awakened from their slumber by their period in order to satisfy them sexually. To make a volcano erupt, you must have fairy wings, which are only obtained by having three ways.

  1. Sunrider Academy

You probably enjoy playing anime dating games on Steam and are looking for some exciting anime dating sims. You can choose from a wide number of games, but you might not have the time or money to play them all. So it could be wise to select a better anime dating game with superior graphics and a compelling plot. So why don’t you just put Sunrider Academy in your cart now?

A fantastic experience in these anime dating games can be had by playing Sunrider Academy, a simple and attractive anime dating game. You get to play in the position of Kayto Shields in this anime dating game, and you get to be the president of Sunrider Academy, which is lucky. However, you were also chosen to lead the school club, so you now have two tasks to complete.

  1. Arcade Spirits

Arcade Spirits is a visual novel romantic comedy with a different history. In the romantic comedy visual novel Arcade Spirits, arcades continue to be the best location to play and have a different past. Your character starts an exciting new work at the Funplex, a well-liked neighbourhood arcade with a staff that is as eccentric as the customers, after a period of difficult employment.

The Funplex’s neon lights and lively ambiance provide a welcome home to a variety of people, from aggressive pro gamers and devoted high-score chasers to creative cosplayers and tinkering coders. However, where will this unexpected job chance take you? Who will you encounter on your travels? Will you eventually discover the relationship you’ve been looking for?

  1. If My Heart Had Wings

This anime dating game only applies to Japanese releases because English ones are now censored. Yes, a lot of the players hate it, but sadly, luck always seems to come our way. But don’t let this discourage you from playing in this game. It enjoys a fair amount of popularity among anime dating simulation games, even in the censored versions.

Aoi is the role you’ll choose while playing the game, and Aoi used to be a member of his school’s cycling club. He has no choice but to retire if he hurts his legs. Upon arriving in his hometown, he is lucky to run into a number of attractive women. Will the light in his dim life be ignited by these girls? Make sure not to miss one of the greatest anime dating sim games ever.

  1. Katawa Shoujo

Katawa Shoujo takes its basis on a bishoujo-style visual novel that was published by Four Leaf Studios. It is a visual novel that takes place at a school for the disabled. A visual novel called Katawa Shoujo is set in a school for people with disabilities. Hisao, the main character of the game, reluctantly makes his way there after a long hospital stay for a life-threatening arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). When a student at his school confessed to him in his first episode, the tone of the game was set as being one of heartbreak, loneliness, and the impossibility of human connection. As a result, the game’s emblem, a yellow heart with bandages, represents a wounded and frightened character.

This is a relationship/anime dating sim game. Some people have dismissed this anime dating game due to the fact that each of the females that Hisao can end up falling in love with at Yamaku Academy has a different disability and that there is (semi-)explicit sex in it. Hopefully, this game is the only factor driving the growth in the light novel’s readership. Hisao Nakai and five girls he meets are central to the plot of thisanime dating sim game. You have a thought-provoking experience while paying for it because they are all disabled.

  1. Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love

It is also one of the best anime dating sims for Android you can find. It became one of the top anime dating simulation games available after being released in English. Shinjiro Taiga is given the task of leading the Star Division of the New York Combat Revenue in 1920. He teamed up a number of beautiful women to fight evil. With this anime dating sim, you have a completely new experience. In other words, it combines an erotic story with a more complex tactical battle aspect. 

The gameplay segments in this “dramatic adventure” game, which covers several episodes, incorporate tactical role-playing, anime dating sim, and visual novel components. Shinjiro explores a 3D-rendered version of New York during adventure elements of the gameplay, as well as the interior of the Little Lip Theater. Combat scenes are controlled via a turn-based battle system in a three-dimensional (3D) space that allows for full range of movement.

  1. Love Language Japanese

Love Language Japanese is a smart combination between a Visual Novel/Anime Dating Sim and an E-learning experience. Learn Japanese for 90 in-game days while spending your leisure time roaming the map in quest of new adventures, friends, and possibly even love. You will complete a full trimester program at Koto Gakuen, a renowned language institute in Tokyo for international students. Your decisions over the course of these 90 days will decide where and with whom you end up.

Simple and probably every Otaku’s dream, the plot’s premise. You’ll attend a Tokyo high school where foreign students are taught Japanese. There, you make new friends and enjoy an exciting Japanese language education. 50 mini-games and tests are also included in the game. Of course, every duty you do comes with a reward. However, we’ll leave it up to you to discover the rewards, so be prepared for a surprise. As a result, we included this game on our list of the top anime dating sim games.


What are the best online anime dating games in 2023? 

For men, anime dating simulation games Guys offer interesting and immersive gameplay for free. It’s difficult since dating and romance are more popular than ever. You take on the role of Chizuru, who pretends as a guy to get to the. Given the time era these anime dating games were created, the map is really nicely constructed. You have our favourite anime dating game on Steam. SimLove is a totally free anime dating sim game. You are a beautiful girl in a city full of different guys that is free.

The ideal way to enjoy a little romance without having to talk or flirt with real people is through anime dating simulators. However, some anime dating simulations occasionally stray too far toward the crazy end of the romantic style. However, the combination of that less-than-realistic element with the frequently excellent artwork and compelling plotlines just seems to draw you further into the enjoyable life of some of the greatest anime dating sim games available. Fortunately, you have a ton of fresh, vintage, and timeless options to choose from.

How much Danganronpa games are there? 

Physical versions of Danganronpa include: 

  • Danganronpa1: Trigger Happy Havoc (2010) 
  • Danganronpa2: Goodbye Despair (2012)
  • Danganronpa3: Killing Harmony (2017)
  • Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp

Additionally, 16 talented students who stand out in different fields are trapped by a bear-like machine, Monokuma. Monokuma traps the cast into killing games.

Danganronpa alternatives: Best dating sim online

How to date an anime girl: Do you have any anime date ideas?

Well, you can’t. Since they are made up, it’s acceptable to have an anime crush. They do not exist. Please avoid using a question like that to degrade anime fans. People who are unfamiliar with anime view us in the community as strange and annoying because of these kinds of inquiries.


Well, have we satisfied your need to find the best anime dating sim? You can get the whole ranking of the top anime dating games right here. Even introverts aren’t exempt from the human tendency to sense a need for other people and a want to care for them. The finest way to bring happiness to those who find it difficult to express their emotions in public is through anime dating simulations and anime dating games (which is even better when it’s free, like those on our list!).

Luke Potgieter

Founder of TheChiefContentOfficer - let's write the book on remote content management together.

Luke Potgieter (BSc, M.S.) is an entrepreneur, Chief Content Officer, Content Manager, Science Editor, Technical Advisor, gamer, and lifelong learner with a formal education background in the sciences. He is the author of several introductory computing courses, health guides, pre-med materials, and has published content on numerous award-winning blogs and Fortune 100 websites.

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