Peloton Weight Loss Image

Peloton Weight Loss: Does It Work?

If you’re anything like me, your desire to lose a few pounds—and, of course, keep them off—was one of the main motivators behind your decision to get a Peloton bike. One of the numerous advantages of owning a bike is the ability to lose weight, but many people find that after they begin their new cycling regimen, their peloton weight loss is not as rapid as they had anticipated. It can be really irritating, to put it mildly, when you’re exercising frequently, making an attempt to eat healthy meals, and spending a small amount on new equipment and accessories.

If you’re not losing weight with Peloton, there are likely a couple of issues at play.

The good news is that they are fixable, and with a few adjustments, you can set yourself up for success in achieving your weight-loss objectives.

Here, I’m going to talk a little bit about my own Peloton weight loss experience, go through some potential reasons why you might not be losing weight, and offer some practical suggestions and advice that you can put into practice right away.

For my own weight reduction with Peloton, I eagerly jumped into a habit of riding roughly four times a week after receiving my Peloton in September 2020. I had just started using the bike regularly for exercise and had already dropped 35 pounds by combining a ketogenic diet with frequent Peloton spin classes. I was also expecting my fourth child at the time. A study from the University of Massachusetts Amherst that connected high-strain exercise to early pregnancy loss was published. So, because of previous miscarriages, I was concerned about keeping up my current pace. I decided to take some pictures to remind myself of how hard I had worked to get in shape and that I would try again following the birth of our second child.

Gained weight image

I was eager to lose the 20 pounds I had gained over the previous year and begin living a better and more active lifestyle. I took a variety of classes, making sure to get to know all the instructors and figuring out which ones I liked working with the best.

I usually did a 30-minute weights workout before hopping on the bike for a 30-minute ride after adding Peloton strength courses to my schedule. 

I found out I was pregnant, so of course I didn’t keep the peloton weight loss off the rest of the year! Despite accumulating a healthy amount of weight for pregnancy, I did continue to ride frequently and joyfully during my first and second trimesters.

While losing weight was one of my goals when I chose to purchase my Peloton, I think it’s important to note that it gave me so much more. By committing to regular exercise, I undoubtedly felt better overall and developed a genuine enthusiasm for hopping on the bike. I also had more energy while peloton weight loss.

So I used peloton weight loss to count calories. Once you understand the fundamentals, it’s simple to execute, and the best part is that you may eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your calorie allocation.

The best thing about this strategy, in my opinion, is that there’s no need to feel deprived or like you’re on a diet. I occasionally had takeout, enjoyed wine, and went out to eat. This is a wonderfully durable and long-lasting strategy for achieving and sustaining your peloton weight-loss objectives because nothing is off limits.

Losing weight

What time of day is ideal for exercise?

Even while early morning exercises have been related to better mental health and productivity throughout the rest of the day, exercise should still be a priority whenever you have the time.

I have an erratic workout regimen. On some days, I’m able to do an hour-long workout while my youngest child is taking a nap, but on other days, I have to rush to get her into a spin class for 15 minutes before returning to strap her in with a snack so I can finish the second half of my class.

Healthy diet

What Peloton weight loss workouts are most effective?

Consistency is crucial if you’re utilizing your Peloton as a weight-loss tool. It greatly helps if you’re enjoying the sessions and genuinely look forward to getting on the bike to keep with your plans.

Therefore, it makes sense to select exercises you enjoy! This can mean sticking with your preferred teacher for you. You can find that you enjoy a specific workout approach, such as HIIT with hills or Tabata, or you might decide to schedule sessions that are centred around a certain musical genre.

Try out various options to determine what will work best for you. In the end, this is what will enable you to lose weight using Peloton.

Reasons why using Peloton won’t help you lose weight


Do you consistently pedal yet fail to make the desired improvement on the scales?

Here are various scenarios that could be preventing you from starting a new chapter in your weight loss journey:

More calories are being consumed than being expended by you. This is most likely what the whole problem comes down to. You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn both during your cycling class and throughout your daily activities.

The good news of Peloton weight loss is that you can take action to remedy this issue because it is clearly defined. You may determine how many calories you need to consume daily to Peloton weight loss by performing a few straightforward calculations. You could do that with the aid of our calorie shortfall estimator.

It’s simple to underestimate Peloton weight loss help how many calories you actually eat each day if you aren’t keeping track of them all.

You might forget to account for the milk you put in your morning coffee, the mid-morning biscuit you grabbed, the leftovers from your child’s plate, and the oil you used to prepare your dinner.

Coffee diet

All of these calories can mount up very rapidly, and before Peloton weight-loss, Making sure your weight is accurate on your Peloton profile and updating it frequently if it changes is one thing you can do in this situation. This is due to the fact that it is a consideration the bike considers when estimating your calorie burn.

Several bikers, including myself, prefer to wear an Apple Watch when riding. This serves as a heart rate monitor for the duration of your bike, recording your effort in real-time, and is therefore likely to give you a more accurate reading regarding calories burned.

Can you gain weight using Peloton?


Yes, you can gain weight while using the Peloton on a regular basis. If you fall into one of the aforementioned categories – consuming more calories than you burn, not tracking all the calories you eat, overestimating how many calories you burn, or a combination of these reasons – this is likely to be the case. In fact, 400 to 1,000 calories can be burned every hour in cycling sessions like Peloton.

Therefore, exercising with Peloton classes can undoubtedly result in weight loss as long as you maintain a calorie deficit between a balanced diet and activity.

So, is Peloton effective for losing weight?

Peloton can undoubtedly help you achieve your weight loss objectives, just like any other calorie-burning activity. In the end, though, you do need to make sure that your diet is sound and that you’re cutting calories.

If you’re serious about losing weight with Peloton, you’ll probably need to invest some time in making sure that your diet is optimized as well.

Luke Potgieter

Founder of TheChiefContentOfficer - let's write the book on remote content management together.

Luke Potgieter (BSc, M.S.) is an entrepreneur, Chief Content Officer, Content Manager, Science Editor, Technical Advisor, gamer, and lifelong learner with a formal education background in the sciences. He is the author of several introductory computing courses, health guides, pre-med materials, and has published content on numerous award-winning blogs and Fortune 100 websites.

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