Smart drugs

What are Nootropics? Do Nootropic Supplements Actually Work?

Modern science has made it possible to achieve a completely new level of mental clarity.

Bring on the nootropics, smart pills, brain-boosters, or whatever you want to call them, and observe how much more effectively our brains function when they are consumed.

What Are Nootropics?

The term “nootropics” today refers to a wide range of both organic and synthetic substances for use in various activities – including studying.

Because of their harmful side effects and possible toxicity, “smart drugs” and amphetamines like Adderall and Ritalin are NOT considered nootropics.

Nootropics are now being used by millions of people throughout the world as a sustainable, safe strategy to improve cognitive function and stave off cognitive decline.

According to a nootropics expert, a nootropic is any chemical that can improve cognitive functions while also defending the brain against damage. Nootropics supplements ought to be very safe and have low toxicity (read more…).

It can be difficult to imagine that such chemicals even exist, but when you examine how a straightforward nootropic like caffeine ingrained itself into the modern world, things start to make more sense.

Nootropics Work Functions

Nootropics functions


Neurotransmitters are responsible for carrying messages between cells. The brain works better when communication is more efficient.

Nootropics have an impact on a number of crucial neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, glutamate, and norepinephrine.

Blood Flow

Chemicals that are transported to the brain by blood, such as oxygen and glucose, are essential for its function. Additionally, waste is also eliminated, particularly carbon dioxide, which is dangerous for the brain because it directly negates the beneficial effects of oxygen.

By relaxing blood arteries, reducing oxidative damage, and “liquifying” blood cells, nootropics can reduce the risk of clotting and thereby enhance blood flow to the brain.

Brain Energy


The brain is the body’s largest user of energy, accounting for 20% of total production due to its high demand for glucose to sustain optimal performance.

Because we aren’t eating the correct meals, there is a severe shortage of brain energy due to how stressful our lives are. Nootropics can aid in the transit of brain food, increase oxygen generation, and lastly, increase mitochondrial activity, all of which can help feed the brain.

Brain Waves

Alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves are the four primary categories of brain waves.

Deep focus, the flow state, and improved learning are the characteristics of alpha waves (8–12 Hz). Our predominant state is beta (12,5–30 Hz) throughout the day. Their alertness and cognitive abilities set them apart.

Sleep is when theta waves (4–7 Hz) are most frequently released. They generally take place during sleeping or lucid dreaming.

Deep sleep is characterized by delta waves (0,5–4 Hz). It occurs when our subconsciousness overtakes our conscious mind.

Alpha waves are the most desired condition since they enhance brain function, creativity, and learning.

By promoting the creation of -aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter responsible for controlling dopamine and serotonin in the brain, nootropics like L-Theanine can aid in the induction of alpha waves.


Since neurons are the basic cells in charge of communication between the nervous system and the brain, neuroregeneration entails the growth of new neurons, which aids in brain function.

By increasing NGF (Nerve Growth Factor), which is in charge of the proliferation and maintenance of existing neurons, nootropics can aid in neuroregeneration.

Additionally, they can provide the brain with choline, a necessary nutrient that controls every aspect of our brain’s operation.


Despite the fact that our skulls shield our brains from physical assault, neurodegeneration can nonetheless happen as a result of things like aging and inflammation.

Some nootropics can aid, mostly by altering how we react to stress, assisting with the removal of neurotoxins, combating amyloids, and boosting oxygen flow.

Different nootropics have different benefits

Nootropics supplements range in strength from mild stimulants like Adderall to dietary supplements like fish oil.

There are numerous ways to distinguish between nootropics; some discuss natural and synthetic nootropics, while others distinguish between OTC (over-the-counter) and Rx nootropics (prescription).

We’ll categorise nootropics into four groups in order to better comprehend them and the various types that are available:

Stimulants of the CNS

Low doses of stimulants cause the central nervous system to be stimulated in a way that improves cognition.

These nootropics drugs work primarily by increasing catecholamine levels, which is a neurotransmitter involved in memory, focus, motivation, creativity, and retention.

Caffeine, which is frequently present in coffee, is currently the most widely used stimulant, followed by Adderall, a drug used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD.

Eugeorics (like Modafinil), which encourage wakefulness and alertness, are further recognized stimulants.


Racetams are a class of compounds with 2-pyrrolidone as its shared nucleus. Some of these are anticonvulsants like Brivaracetam and Seletracetam, while others are nootropics like Piracetam and Aniracetam.

Racetams differ from one another in terms of how they work.

The AMPA receptors, which are known to regulate memory, concentration, mood, and focus, are one method of some.

Some of them replicate the effects of acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system, by affecting the cholinergic system in the brain.


Any substance that is similar to choline, a nutrient required for the synthesis of acetylcholine, is said to be cholinergic.

Some nootropics, like aniracetam, are both racetams and cholinergics.

Today’s most often used cholinergic is Alpha-GPC, which is renowned for both its excellent tolerance and enhanced performance on memory tests.


Nutraceuticals, a class of food items, are also nootropics supplements. They are sometimes referred to as the “natural” class of nootropics. Although their effects are often less powerful, they are generally thought to be quite safe and have less adverse effects.

Natural Nootropics

What are natural nootropics supplements, are they all-natural nootropics, and how do they work?

There are also natural nootropics accessible if you are hesitant to consume synthetic drugs. Many nootropics are all-natural, even if many of them are synthetic substances. Some nootropics are herbal or mushroom medicines that have been utilised for centuries for mental advantages by many cultures.

Therefore, if you are concerned about ingesting anything created in a lab, don’t be! There are also many natural solutions available. Among the most well-known natural nootropics are:

Natural nootropics
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Turmeric
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Ashwagandha
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Lion’s Mane
  • Chaga Mushrooms


Are Nootropics Safe?

By definition, nootropics are generally secure. There are many distinct varieties, but the most majority are non-toxic when taken as intended and have a low side-effect profile.

Because they have not been proven to be harmful to users at normal quantities, nootropics are available over the counter in contrast to prescription medications.

However, there can still be problems now and then. The term “nootropics” refers to a broad category of supplements, including numerous different types. There are some supplements that are unhealthy for everyone, and there occasionally are negative drug interactions.

What are nootropics safety guidelines?

  • If the nootropics supplement has been the subject of any reliable clinical research, you ought to look into it. The most effective trials use big sample sizes in a placebo-controlled, double-blind environment. It is a solid indication that a nootropic has been tried and proved to be both safe and beneficial if researchers have discovered proof of cognitive function. 
  • Though nootropics are often non-toxic, you should always take the smallest dose necessary to achieve the desired results. Numerous nootropics vary in potency. Amounts that are either too little or too much can have negative side effects. Always start with a modest dose and increase it gradually to achieve optimal benefit.
  • Even though they may contain the same ingredient, not all nootropics are created equal. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the majority of dietary supplements. Some suppliers are more reliable than others. Find out which providers have reliable quality control procedures by doing some research. Don’t spend your money on a bunk that won’t work.
  • Before beginning a new supplement, it is usually a good idea to speak with a doctor. This strategy is especially valid if you are taking medication or have underlying medical conditions. It’s always a good idea to be cautious.


Nootropics are getting more and more common, and this trend will only continue to grow in the next few years. Nootropics are smart drugs the ideal instant pick-me-up because of our stressful lives.

When you buy nootropics online, you’re taking a gamble because they aren’t well regulated. Because of this, our team of professionals put together a list of highly approved, pre-tested, and completely safe nootropic firms.

Luke Potgieter

Founder of TheChiefContentOfficer - let's write the book on remote content management together.

Luke Potgieter (BSc, M.S.) is an entrepreneur, Chief Content Officer, Content Manager, Science Editor, Technical Advisor, gamer, and lifelong learner with a formal education background in the sciences. He is the author of several introductory computing courses, health guides, pre-med materials, and has published content on numerous award-winning blogs and Fortune 100 websites.

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