top 5 technology trends 2020

Top 5 Technology Trends for 2020

While we have seen many exciting technological advances in the past few years, there are rumors that 2020 will be the proverbial nexus that ties it all together for the end-users – us, gullible tech enthusiasts. That doesn’t mean that there are not amazing things in store for us in 2020 – the year of the AI. Here is our list of the top 5 technology trends you can expect in 2020:

Advanced AI

Advanced AI_ A New Chapter in Life

As we have already mentioned, 2020 will be the year of the AI. Really advanced AI. But what’s behind the fact that AI is number one on our list of top 5 technology trends for 2020?

It’s rather simple (or, complicated in this case?)… AI as we know it will be revolutionized. We are talking integration with technologies such as blockchain and IoT. Cybersecurity management. Taking the first steps at laying the foundation for AI-controlled nukes (hellooo, Skynet). And, intelligent automation.

Therefore, we will also see more AI assistants – which also means more spambots – where customer service and feedback systems will be optimized. Live chat platforms, personal finance tools, and storage will all be key points in this regard. Additionally, your personal portfolios will be regulated and automated in a manner where real-time trends are analyzed. Where data is stored and utilized for better stock tips and improved investment strategies.

Whether we will see our money grow on trees, so to speak, or we run for our lives when we hear the low-pitched “I’ll be back”, only time will tell.

Distributed cloud

Distributed cloud_ A New Chapter in Life

Ah – the cloud. No, cloud storage is not only that sweet feature that we will abuse from all our Google and Microsoft accounts, but it is actually much more than that. In 2020, we will see distributed cloud solutions that will make use of data from multiple sources over multiple geographic locations. But what does this really mean? If it’s not a giant leap, it’s meaningless, right?

In fact, distributed cloud is a full “leap of faith”. Multiple cloud servers can work together, along with the relevant hardware and software components to increase scalability, enforce low latency, and increase cost-effectiveness as well as efficiency. So, to put it simply, you’ll be able to Netflix and chill with a markedly reduced impact on your bandwidth. Meaning, you’ll be able to do some mobile gaming and Netflix streaming even when your connection speeds are slow.

Edge computing

Edge computing_ A New Chapter in Life

For those of you who have actually heard of the term “edge computing”, you might be wondering why I have listed this in my top 5 technology trends for 2020 when I have just discussed distributed cloud. Technically, edge computing isn’t synonymous with the term cloud computing.

Edge computing is, essentially, an IT architecture that leverages micro data centers to reduce the distance between user devices and the physical processing location. What this means is that maintenance will be cheaper, distributed cloud would be even more effective at minimizing latency, and that we could see better connectivity in very remote locations. So that is a definite win.

Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering_ A New Chapter in Life

Most of the time, this just sounds scary. When thinking about genetically modified foods, or those tests they’re conducting on humans in the east, it makes us ponder the relevance and ethical repercussions of genetic engineering. However, it’s not all bad news. Yes, it can be used in a manner that can be seen as controversial, but it can also be super beneficial.

In 2020, we will be able to better diagnose patients with previously unknown diseases (and cure them), start synthesizing more complex organisms needed in urgent transplant surgeries, and further reduce susceptibility to natural caveats – such as crop damage and crop yields, contaminated foods, and allergens. More cannabis-based recipes for those hybrid fruits and vegetables, anyone?


Blockchain_ A New Chapter in Life

With large tech organizations and previously more-skeptical countries, such as China, investigating blockchain technology for improved currency regulation, it is quite interesting to see what the future holds for us. And yes, it’s not only about the old Bitcoin bubble debate, but the development of safer cryptocurrencies.

In contrast, due to the fact that governments and tech giants would like to integrate this with IoT, legal currency transfer platforms, and physical purchases, the future holds a lot of uncertainty. While we will be able to make near-instantaneous transfers, benefit from cheaper and easier currency conversions, and use pre-programmed payments for minimal effort, we have yet to see what the major cons will be once we’re served with the options.


Lastly, we hope that you have enjoyed reading about A New Chapter in Life’s top 5 technology trends in 2020. According to popular journals and tech experts, we reckon that the above 5 technologies will be the salient trends in 2020. Unfortunately, we will have to see what the results will be when the time comes. If you have any questions or comments, reach out to us below!

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Luke Potgieter

Founder of TheChiefContentOfficer - let's write the book on remote content management together.

Luke Potgieter (BSc, M.S.) is an entrepreneur, Chief Content Officer, Content Manager, Science Editor, Technical Advisor, gamer, and lifelong learner with a formal education background in the sciences. He is the author of several introductory computing courses, health guides, pre-med materials, and has published content on numerous award-winning blogs and Fortune 100 websites.

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